I, like many other
booklovers, have more than one book on my Christmas wish list. Of course I also
have quite a few items that I would love Santa to bring me that aren’t books at
all, but I do have a list of books that I would really love for Christmas this
year. The books that have made it onto this list are books that I wouldn’t
particularly buy for myself for one reason or another, but do really want. I in
no way expect all of these books for Christmas, it’s simply a list of books
that I have never got around to buying for myself, although I
may end up gifting myself a book or two!
The first book is the
illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, I got
Philosopher’s Stone for Christmas last year so I’d love to continue on the
tradition and add the second illustrated book to my collection!
Next up I would love one
of the Penguin Classic editions of Jane Austen’s books. I’ve mentioned these
editions more than once before, but they’re beautiful and not the kind of thing
that I would buy for myself! So one of them would be the perfect Christmas
treat, and as Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favourite books, I’d
have to say that’s the one that I’d love to have a spot on my bookcase.
This book is a
little on the pricey for Amazon side of things, which is honestly the big
reason that I’ve put off buying it for myself. Again I’ve spoke about this book
before and really love the sound of it, but over a tenner for a book? I don’t
think I could justify spending that on a book for myself!
This books sounds so cool!
My sister has a slight love for Russia due to her history course, and from being constantly told
about it, when I saw that The Crown’s Game is set in Tsarist Russia I knew it had to be. As with
Blackmoore I feel that this book is slightly pricey at just over £12 on Amazon,
so again I’m not able to fully justify buying it for myself.
If you have any
recommendations for books you think I should invest in then please let me know
in the comments!
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