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Hard print or Kindle, which is your favourite?
I'm really torn, I absolutely adore my Kindle, it's a sacred little piece of technology. My Kindle currently holds 224 books, a quantity I would never be able to carry around with me in hard print. There's also the price, as a student getting the Kindle books cheaper is definitely more appealing than paying the full amount on a less transportable hard print book. But on the other hand, books. There's nothing quite like holding a real book in your hands.
I guess, if I looked at what I read more of I would have to pick my Kindle. It's super tiny and is really easy to carry around. I love reading on my Kindle, it's a very sacred piece of machinery.
Which do you prefer, Kindle or hard print? Let me know your thoughts!
Labels: Book, Feature and Follow, Feature and Follow Friday, Kindle